The Ben Davis Blog

Friday, December 21, 2012


In quest, students are reading a book called The Family Under the Bridge. Each week, students read a chapter.  We write down information or questions about the chapter.  When we go to quest, we share our work. QUEST IS REALLY FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Sophie Thorn


I am doing a Christmas party on Thursday but it is about different countries and what they do for Christmas. There will be food, games, and crafts.

-by Caden Hood
There is a party at Ben Davis! It's about Christmas around the World.  The second graders researched.  That is why we can have a party, but you have to do good on your tests too.  The party is December 20 and the time is 9:00 a.m.  We did the research in Mrs. Glover's room.  We will get to eat, play, share, and have fun.  We will make passports too.

by: Nishtha Gupta

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Book Fair

The book fair is awsome you can get a lot of stuff. You can get pens posters pencils and lets not forget you can also get books!!!

-by  Sean Thomas
 The book fair is an awesome place where you can get to buy books, paw pointers, etc.

-by Grayson Bogue

Christmas is coming soon!!

We all know that Christmas is coming soon! It is just days away! But you'll have to be good and if you are good you'll get a bunch of toys!

-by Eliza White

ART is wonderful!

Art is special because of Mrs.Miller. She loves people. She feels that every peace of art is neat. When we are finished, we can free draw. We can then create our own masterpiece.

-by Laci Parham

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Chistmas Extravaganza

It's the day to perform the Christmas Extravaganza! We are going to sing lots of songs and we know all our songs and lines.

 by Mary Reese

The play is today! I am so happy! I know all my lines in the CHRISTMAS PLAY! Here they are ...."Wait a minute that is not the way to start a Christmas Extravaganza song about Mr. Grinch complaining about Christmas." Really? Well, that was 1 of my lines I hope you liked it, BYE!

By Gray Jackson

Mrs. O'Hara's class sang in the Christmas Extravaganza with Mrs. McGrady's, Mrs. Tumming's, and Mrs. Pape's classes.  We sang about the Grinch, Rudolph, and Santa Claus.  It was lots of fun!  Merry Christmas!

by Leland Stone

I am in the play.  I am going to like it!  My parents are going to be there.  I am going to have a great day!

by Mekih Benu-Salas

The IXL Website

Mrs.Hughes class does  this website called IXL. It is a learning site that has math with addition subtraction sites. You can  play on it at your computer at home.  Mrs. Hughes has a password to the computer.

       -BY Marlie Jones

Monday, December 17, 2012

Class Project: 3 states of matter

I am in Mrs.Coon class. Our class project was about the three states of matter:  a solid, liquid, and gas. I will tell you three things about solid, liquids, and gases. 
1.  A solid cannot change shape
2.  Liquids do not have a fixed shape and size.
3.  Gases do not have a color or shape

CLICK HERE to find more information on what we learned:

-by Nishtha Gupta

Christmas Around the World

There`s a project in Mrs.Davis`s class called "Christmas around the World". I`m researching with Mary Bibb on how Brazil.  It's where you learn how they celebrate Christmas in their countr.  On the last week, before Christmas break, we will present it!

-by Tait Stewart

Ben Davis Christmas Lunches

Christmas lunches were last week.  It was only for second graders.  Each second grader got a form to take home.  If you had someone coming, you would send the form back.

-Caden Hood

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Christmas Extravaganza Play

Ben Davis is having a Christmas play!  Mrs. Farris and Mrs. Knox are directing the play.  We will sing:  Winter Fantasy, You're a Mean One, Sugar Plums, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, Merry Christmas, Snowflake Falling, and more!  Here is a link to my favorite one:
Abby's Favorite Song

-Abby Glover

In music and drama students are doing a play about Christmas. It will be realy fun. Some of us have lines and some of us  don't. We are doing a lot of songs. I love plays. My favorite song is Jingle bells.
You can listen to it here:
Gray's Favorite Song

- Gray Jackson

 We are having a Christmas play and we are singing ten songs.  We have sang five songs with the music teacher and five songs with the drama teacher.  There is going to be three classes singing together.  It is going to be so much fun!

-Sean Thomas

In the Christmas Extravaganza, we have been practicing singing Christmas carols. But my favorite song is Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer . I cant wait to perform the the Christmas Extravaganza!!!
Mary Reese's Favorite Song

-Mary Reese

The Christmas Extravaganza is a short play.  Students sing ten songs.  The music teacher is Mrs. Farris and Mrs. Knox, the drama teacher.  They both help us.  Four classes are in one show.  It is two second grade classes and two first grade classes.  Most students have a line.  It is really cool! We hope you like it!

-Sophie Thorne

Mrs.Knox and Mrs.Farris are putting on this play. They put groups of classes together. It's on December 17th and 18th.
On December 17th at 9:30, the following will perform:  Watkins, Wiley, Burton, and Propst.  Then at 1:00, the following will perform:  O'Hara, McGrady, Tummings, and Pape.  
On December 18th at 9:30, the following will perform:  Davis, Malinowski, and Coon.  Then at 1:00, the following will perform:  Hughes, Ducker, and Falciani.  Please come see the play!

 by Marlie Jones

P.E. at Ben Davis

P.E is an awesome place where you get to play bombardie, jump rope,  sparring,  and relays.

-Grayson Bogue

In P.E. we stretch, play, and do fun stuff. My class goes to P.E. at 12 o' clock.

-Ryan Keenum

Help wanted! I'm looking for a student with an accurate but strong arm.  Do you enjoy choosing people? If so, then come see the bumbardie ball in the gym!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Mrs. McGrady and Mrs. Hughes' Class Play


The Plump and Perky Turkey is a play about the town of Squak Valley.  In the town of Squak Valley, there was a turkey named Pete.  In the story, Pete is cocky, clever, and really likes to eat!  So, Pete knows when it turns fall, he better run!  So, he has a plan to get out and he goes to Hawaii! The people of Squak Valley do not have a turkey, but they still have shredded wheat!
by: Sophie Thorn

Mrs.Hughes and Mrs.McGrady is having a play. It is at 9.00. I am sooooo excited to see the play! The play is called.......A Plump And Perky Turkey

Mrs. McGrady & Mrs. Hughes are having a play today. I am the MAYOR. I have 9 lines and the play is called........... A Plump And Perky Turkey. The play is November 20th at 9:00. We did play practice yesterday. My family is coming for Thanksgiving and to see my play.  
By Gray Jackson

Ben Davis is having a play called The Plump and Perky Turkey. Mrs.Hughes and Mrs.Mcgrady are 2nd grade teachers and are hosting this play. 2nd grade students are practicing for the play. The play is on Tuesday, November 20th .First grade, 2nd grade, and kindergarten are coming to the play in the cafeteria. Parents are coming to see their children.  After the play is done the 2nd grade and 1st grade and kindergarten leave the cafeteria. The parents get to come up and take pictures.
By Marlie Jones

Were going to be in a class play! I'm a farmer. Were doing it today! I'm going to like it.
-by Mekih Benu-Salas

The Mrs.Hughes and  Mrs. Mcgrady play is about a turkey named Pete. Everyone wants to eat him. He manages to have a few tricks up his sleeve and and he gets away. All the towns' people have shredded wheat and then all the turkeys go to Hawaii.
                                                                         By Sean Thomas Campbell

Pete the plump and perky turkey is a silly turkey! He is fun to watch. He has some turkey friends.   
I can't wait until you come see our play!!!
By Mary Reese

My Last Day Of Fabulous Friday

Hi! My name is Nishtha. My Fabulous Friday was called "party planning". I am going to tell you what happened at my last Fabulous Friday. Mrs Hughes was my teacher.  We planned it for all the hard workers.  We gave them cookies and fruit punch.  We gave hats to them.  We made a poster for them and it said, "HAT'S OFF TO YOU!"  In the end, we got cookies and fruit punch too!  We all had lots of fun!
             -by Nishtha Gupta

The Gobble Wobble 5k

Our school and Leon Sheffield had the Gobble Wobble. It was a race.  There was a 5k race and a one mile fun run.  The first place winner was Turner Stepp for the Fun Run. Many kids got medals for running fast. There was pizza, drinks, and a cookie cake for everyone . The weather was perfect and it was a great day to run!
By Eliza White

I ran the Gobble Wobble fun run. I was the 13th girl to make it to the finish line. It was fun. I ran very fast. I loved the run. There were tons of people. The run was AMAZING.
 By Emma White

On Wednesday, November 14, our school went to Austin High School.  They put on a play for our school. It was about three different stories: Cinderella,  Pinocchio, and Snow White. The name of the play was Twice Upon a Time.  It was a great play!
                                                                              by Caden

An Awesome School Supply Store

There is a school supply store at Benjamin Davis. There's only 3 steps:
1.bring your money
2.look and find and go
They sell dictionaries, thesauruses, calculators , cool pencils, and erasers. Moms and dads work there. It's a fun place to go on Wednesday morning from 7:45-8:15!
             by Tait Stewart

There will be a school supply store every Wednesday. There will be books, erasers, pencils and more!
The prices are from $.05 to $3. The picture books cost $2 and the chapter books cost $3.  We hope to see you there one day!
                                               by Leland Stone

The school supply store is open every Wednesday. It has books, pencils,etc. Can you believe some stuff cost one cent? Come join us every Wednesday morning in the cafeteria from 7:45-8:15.

By: Grayson Bogue

Do you like to get bang for your buck? Have you every been short on cash? Then you need to go to the school  supply store! Whether you have $3 or 25 cents, you can get whatever your money can buy. The school supply store will have you dancing in the street.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Square 1 Art

Square 1 Art is back at Ben Davis! Everyone at the school was sent home their own art along with an order form.  Everyone also got stickers with their art on them.  Place your order and send it in by the deadline shown on your order form.  You can see your child's artwork online too!  See the link below.
                                                                                                         -by Laci Parham

Burritt Museum On The Mountain

This Thursday, the whole 2nd graders at Ben Davis are going to Burritt Museum On The Mountain.
Students will have to pay $10 . They are leaving school at 8:15.  They are coming back to school at 1:30.
                                                                                                      -Marlie Jones

On November 8th, we are going to Burrit Museum in Huntsville.  This has historical buildings, a barnyard, a historical park, and much more!  You can see how life really was like way back in the 19th century.  We will see historical buildings like a schoolhouse, a corn crib, a meals house, and even a church!  This is a picture of the Burrit Mansion.  Here is also a link to the website you can go and take a virtual tour of it!
                                                               -Abby Glover


Robotics is a really fun class. What you do is build lego bricks and hook them up to a computer.  Then, the legos spin, walk, and all sorts of cool stuff! The students at Ben Davis do robotics with Mrs. Weems, the enrichment teacher.  This takes place during Fabulous Friday.  Robotics is a really fun class and I think you will like it!
                                                                            -Sophi Thorn

Election Day! YAY!

Election day is today, November 6.  This is a day where a govenor might become a president. Some schools may have a fake election like Benjamin Davis elementary school. It is a very important day to America.The results will change the nation. It looks like govener Romney will win in the school.  Who knows?  It looks like a close one.  No one knows ... it could be Barock Obama and for vice president, Joed Biden or Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.  Who knows who could win?  Everybody is wondering?????
                                                                                                                 -Tait Stewart

A Class Pet

Mrs.Coon's class has a hedgehog named Pixie.  Mrs. Coon has a dog named Lulu.  That is all of AdriAnna's news.                                            
                                                                                by AdriAnna Boston

Who is Pixie?  I will give you four hints: 
1.  She is black and white
2.  She balls up when she is scared and spikes come out.  Those are called quills.
3.  She is a messy girl.
4.  Pixie is Mrs. Coon's class pet. 
P.S.  Pixie is a cute female hedgehog!  She is adorable.
                                                                                     by Emma White

Mrs. Coon's pet is a hedgehog.  It's name is Pixie.  She is new.  She was born on November 5.  She is the smallest pet I have ever seen!
                                                                                                    -by Nishtha Gupta

Mrs. Coon's class pet is a hedge hog.  It can roll into a ball and poke you!      
                                                                                                   by Ryan Keenum


Last week at Ben Davis, yearbooks went on sale. The yearbooks will cost $27. If you get your parents to upload a picture of you doing fun things at Ben Davis, my mom will put you in the yearbook! Tell your parents to go to to upload your pictures and buy your yearbook!   by Leland Stone

Canned food drive

   The canned food drive started on Oct. 23 and ended Nov.16.  Mrs. M's class brought in 150 cans which was the most that was brought in at Ben Davis. The total amount of cans we have for now is 500. by Eliza White

2nd Grade Pajama Day

2nd graders with pajamas!?? Yes, pajamas! At Ben Davis on November 1st, second graders were allowed to wear p.j`s (some classes got to bring electronics). Mrs. Coon`s class got to bring pillows and blankets to p.j day. P.j day was awesome.

By: Grayson Bogue


Mrs. Hughes' class has baby chickens!  One chicken got sick and died. One chicken can't walk. There are 17 chickens left. Those chickens have grownup wings! Also, some are yellow and black and some are just yellow. There is one chicken that is yellow and brown.                                   by: Mary Reese Murphree

There are class pets at Ben Davis!  In Mrs. Hughes' class, we have worms and chicks!  One chick is sick :(  One of its legs is hurting.  Mrs. Coon has a hedgehog as a class pet in her room.
                                                                                                                     by: Gray Jackson

Mrs. Hughes' chicks' eggs hatched!  One got sick and died.  Another chick has messed up its leg.  A farmer or mother is taking good care of the chick.  If you look at their wings, you can tell if they are a female or a male!  If you look at the wings closely, the even wings are females and the uneven wings are males!  I am so excited to share that information with you.  Thank you very much for tuning in!
                                                                                                                       by Mekih Salas

Mrs. Hughes' class has baby chicks and they are really cute.  Sometimes, we get to hold them.  They also have their adult feathers.  One got sick and died.
                                                                                                                  by Sean Thomas Campbell