The Ben Davis Blog

Monday, November 26, 2012

Mrs. McGrady and Mrs. Hughes' Class Play


The Plump and Perky Turkey is a play about the town of Squak Valley.  In the town of Squak Valley, there was a turkey named Pete.  In the story, Pete is cocky, clever, and really likes to eat!  So, Pete knows when it turns fall, he better run!  So, he has a plan to get out and he goes to Hawaii! The people of Squak Valley do not have a turkey, but they still have shredded wheat!
by: Sophie Thorn

Mrs.Hughes and Mrs.McGrady is having a play. It is at 9.00. I am sooooo excited to see the play! The play is called.......A Plump And Perky Turkey

Mrs. McGrady & Mrs. Hughes are having a play today. I am the MAYOR. I have 9 lines and the play is called........... A Plump And Perky Turkey. The play is November 20th at 9:00. We did play practice yesterday. My family is coming for Thanksgiving and to see my play.  
By Gray Jackson

Ben Davis is having a play called The Plump and Perky Turkey. Mrs.Hughes and Mrs.Mcgrady are 2nd grade teachers and are hosting this play. 2nd grade students are practicing for the play. The play is on Tuesday, November 20th .First grade, 2nd grade, and kindergarten are coming to the play in the cafeteria. Parents are coming to see their children.  After the play is done the 2nd grade and 1st grade and kindergarten leave the cafeteria. The parents get to come up and take pictures.
By Marlie Jones

Were going to be in a class play! I'm a farmer. Were doing it today! I'm going to like it.
-by Mekih Benu-Salas

The Mrs.Hughes and  Mrs. Mcgrady play is about a turkey named Pete. Everyone wants to eat him. He manages to have a few tricks up his sleeve and and he gets away. All the towns' people have shredded wheat and then all the turkeys go to Hawaii.
                                                                         By Sean Thomas Campbell

Pete the plump and perky turkey is a silly turkey! He is fun to watch. He has some turkey friends.   
I can't wait until you come see our play!!!
By Mary Reese

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