The Ben Davis Blog

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Last Two Weeks at Ben Davis

At field day we played hard! Even though it was rainy, it was still fun!  We went on three inflatables, played tug-of-war, got snowcones, did hurdles, parachutes, caught pop flies, did sock races, and much more!  Mrs. O'Hara and Miss Ducker's class won tug-of-war!

We are having a spelling bee tomorrow.  There are three winners in each second grade class.  Who will be the final winner???

Awards day is this week too. First grade awards day is today at 1:30 and second grade awards day is Thursday at 8:30. 

The bloggers had their last meeting this morning and they are very sad!
Happy Summer!!!!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

the animal man

The animal man brought a bunch of stuff. He brought a salamander, bat, possum and a bob cat. He told facts about them. It was fun.

by Tait

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Cathedral Caverns

Last Friday, the second grade went on a field trip to Cathedral Caverns.  It was so fun!!! We got to get rocks in a bucket.  I have no idea how those big rocks got through those tiny holes.  Now I want to talk about the cave.  The cave was not so dark but it was fun.  I like when the man showed us that cute little bat and he called it a "chicken nugget bat".  I liked when he talked about that acorn from Ice Age.  He heard a noise.  What could it be?  This was a very fun field trip and I hope I can do it again.
Abby Glover
Here is a link about Cathedral Caverns"

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Pajama Day

Did you know that Ben Davis was having a pajama day! Its called D.E.A.R.  It means "Drop Everything and Read". It is on Friday,April 12-all day! This is a way to celebrate reading! Beverly Cleary's birthday is on April 12 and that is why we are celebrating too.  I think it will be super, nice, and exciting!
by Nishtha

The Propst/Burton Class Play.

I loved the play I thought Connor was very funny. I liked Parker`s character. I liked the "Fifty Nifty" song . The play was about aliens. Do they find a new home? Ask your child to find out.

By Grayson


This Friday is "DEAR Day". DEAR stands for "drop everthing and read". We get to wear pajamas and read ALL day. Also the Davis/Coon/Watkins class play is on that day.
by Caden


This Friday is the Watkins/Davis/Coon play called "Arf".  There is a message and it says the world Chester Dog Show is coming to doggie town.  Rover the dog has a hidden talent .  Find out what it is this Friday!!
by Eliza White